Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Photography Conventions!!!

In Arizona at the Canon party (Me, Sarah Pfeiffer, Sophia Johnsen, Kelly Highby, and Megan Nosbish)

Well January has almost come to an end already!! I was able to attend two awesome photography conventions this weekend to gain more education to better my business and photography. I travelled to Phoenix Arizona for the national Professional Photographers of America convention and then to Grand Island Nebraska for the Professional Photographers of Nebraska conference. There were awesome speakers and most importantly great friends! We met all kinds of new members this weekend and hope that they all feel welcome.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

First Baby of 2009! Welcome Dakota Amrein

Dakota Dean Amrein was my first baby to be photographed for 2009! He did such a great job and mom (Megan) and dad (Randy) were so patient because we all know newborn sessions take a while! He is such a precious little guy and so tiny!! Congrats again to Megan and Randy and big sister Haley!